Most general trainees can go for their entire lifting careers without doing a single front squat and still come out being very strong. Strength coach told me to just go to parrallel and not to go below guys are saying go below parralel...idk what to believe. I have the same issue, I think I tend to be more comfortable front squatting a) because I do it a lot more and b) because I have a harder time staying vertical in the back squat. I include both of them in my training in separate workouts but I definitely prefer front squats. WhatsApp. Agree. You'll be in a wheelchair for the next 2 days. Disagree. I cannot break parallel for the life of me with back squats. ReddIt. I also fucking hate back squats. *READ FULL ARTICLE WITH PHOTOS* guys! Now hearing his argument, I may have to reconsider my opinion and workout routine. If you want to develop the lower body muscles, this exercise is the ideal exercise. I don't think going below parallel will be an issue and it works glutes more however I'm not sure if it's the best for very heavy squats. There are several MUST-KNOWS about the front squat and the back squat that making choosing which squat is best for a lifter much easier. I say this because you're talking about back squats being popular in the context of powerlifting. If the weightlifting federations had all gone with front squats I guarantee that's what SS and the other programs would be just as strongly advocating front squats instead of back. im going to give this a shot, seems like a really good compromise, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. i high bar back squat and don't feel that there is that big of a difference regarding quad emphasis between the two. save. they feel most natural to me. Why not both? Front squats only slightly use quads more. Perhaps you'd want to look into ankle mobility? First, front squats are performed with a narrow, neutral foot stance compared to the wider, externally rotated position of the back squat. So when doing squats that's also what we do. However front squats require more abdominal involvement less lower back stress and lower CNS fatigue, yet most of the same stimulus. Front squats had always been a staple of my routine for assistance work. Added stimulus due to slight increase in quads usage is … That is what I was thinking of doing initially but I know the brain trust in r/fitness that would shed some light on the two. Depending on your goals, there is no "right" lift, but the back squat has clear advantages (due to the above logic) over the front squat. The back squat involves more musculature through a similar-ish range of motion compared to a front squat (particularly if we're comparing high bar back squats vs. front squats). Well so does doing hip belt squats or deadlifts with hooks. Are you squatting low bar or high bar? goblet squats are fine - front squats with the bar are devilish and difficult - much rather it on my back. This leads to less activation on the hamstrings and abductors, but increases demand on the quads. You can't move as much weight with a front squat, but as someone with bodybuilding/vanity goals, I don't really care about that. Depends what you want to achieve. Front squat seems to require more flexibility than a low bar back squat when I do it. Should I lower the weight altogether and switch to front squats entirely? Front Squat vs Back Squat. Depending on your goals, there is no "right" lift, but the back squat has clear advantages (due to the above logic) over the front squat. If you can get past the 'more weight is always better' attitude and look at the merits of both exercises I think you'd come to the same conclusion as the video. The problem in your logic above is treating the "back squat" like it's a single thing, which seems to implicitly be a wider stance, bent over low bar squat. I don't really have a problem with form but I've seen front squats being recommended for those who struggle with ankle and hip mobility and have difficulties squatting deep enough with back squat so you're definitely right that front squats feel easier if you have those issues with back squats. Pinterest. Knowing how to properly do squats may not be as intuitive as it may seem, even though it is something you have done since birth and with good form. More forward lean equates to more shear stress, as the resistance is moved further away from the axis of rotation. Going to parallel is absolutely fine and sufficient. Try only doing front squats for 8 then switch to back squats like I did. If your goal is to have a badass backsquat, then obviously you want to focus on that. Front squats puts a bit more emphasis on the quads. Back squats are dominant because most of the popular basic strength programs are written by powerlifters who compete(d) in back squats as you can get higher numbers with them. It's a common misconception that front squats work your quads more than back squats. Linkedin. Weightlifters go below parallel all the time at high percentages. But what if you're trying to accumulate workload for the actual muscles of the hip/knee in an effort to make your legs stronger? Now you want to know from front squat vs back squat which one is better. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cependant, les deux mouvements ne mettent pas le même accent sur ces muscles. Just a difference of posterior vs anterior chain. Front squat every time. The verdict is clear: the back squat requires far less flexibility to perform than the front squat! Front squats I break parallel like it is nothing. So, I rarely do them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, We're a community for female and gender non binary/gender non conforming redditors to discuss fitness, Press J to jump to the feed. I follow SS and my current low bar squat is 230 lbs for 5 reps. Would you recommend I warm-up with front squats, then execute my 3x5 working sets with back squats? The upright torso angle of the front squat is less than that in the back squat which helps reduce shear stress in the spine 1. Ass to grass on front squats, "oh my god why am I even doing this" on back squats. Could the position of the bar play a part? But follow up your heavy sets with some light weight, high volume sets of front squats as an accessory. There's also the genetic predisposition (length of limbs) to factor in... but I am not sure it would impact by this much. Thanks! Seen as the younger brother to the back squat, the front squat is an often … Ye. Never really considered them, personally. tl;dr - front squats are a great movement, but back squats allow you to accrue a relatively greater workload for the actual muscles of the thighs/legs, leading to, in principle, superior strength gains. To perform the front squat takes more athleticism in general IMO, it also carry's over far better to olympic lifts which help develop more power and athleticism, which have direct carryover to physical/intensive sports. Lovely form and booty to the floor. My front squat comes so naturally once I figured out the best way to hold the bar, yet I struggle so much with back squats. I like you and your analytical approach to weight training. Front squat uses more quads and upper back, while back squat has a deeper impact on the glutes, posterior chain and lumbar spine. In fact, if lifters aren’t including multiple squat variations in their workouts, they’re missing the opportunity to help build a lean physique. Back Squat: Now don’t think that because front squats require a bit more flexibility that back squats are a walk in the park. "other exercises to hit my posterior chain", Instead of Front Vs Back. The Front Squat vs The Back Squat I back squat many of my athletes, especially if it comes with strong personal preference for the lift. Yes 100%. The back squat can help improve an Olympic lifter’s total leg and hip strength. I think it depends on your body dimensions, but for me, deadlifting and back squatting every week is too much for my lower back to recover from. It's because you're able to stay more vertical in the front squat due to the bar location. I lift for fun and to be stronger in derby-not worth being miserable for that. Many also cannot front squat due to shoulder/wrist problems. In reality, shoulder width, deep as fuck high bar back squats have long been a staple for athletic training and in olympic lifting going back many decades. The back vs. front debate Back squats place more of the load on the posterior half—namely the glutes and hamstrings. definitely targets quads better. Front squat uses more quads and upper back, while back squat has a deeper impact on the glutes, posterior chain and lumbar spine. However, Saladino scoffs at this notion, arguing that it’s nothing more than nonsense used to help trainers market programs. YUUUUP. Personally for me, I've struggled to get my back squat form down but front squat is pretty solid. When performed through a full range of motion the front squat has been shown to recruit just as much muscle as the back squat with far less compression of the knee. 5 years ago. (glutes, hamstrings, lowerback)? front squats are much, much harder to cheat than back squats. I guess I assumed it was because I front squat lighter weight but it sounds like the body positioning is playing a role. Front Squats are restricted by how much weight you can hold on the front of your shoulders. Front squatting puts almost no strain on my lower back, so front squats are my primary squat now and I use other exercises to hit my posterior chain. When I front squat, I go all the way to the ground, weight shifts from quads to heels, but when I back squat I barely break parallel. In this sense, it's not very difficult to understand why the back squat does a better job at making you stronger than the front squat (at least in respect to your legs). So if your best back squat is 315 pounds, your front squat ought to be around 280. I always thought it was tight hips that was the issue. The main difference is requirement of upper back extensor strength for front squats. This allows them to properly work the squat without worrying about their backs. But unfortunately momentum is strong and more non-competition oriented people will continue getting injured that don't need to with back squats because of the 'more weights' over everything else view. A front squat can help improve a powerlifter’s flexbility, upper back, and quads. certain olympic lifting coaches) in their training. There are two spots where the front squat is a notch above a back squat: quad and upper back development. Same though. The position of the bar certainly plays a role, but usually people have more problem with the front squat due to the elevated mobility requirement on the joint. But deep front squats feel awesome! they require lots of core and upper back strength as well. I'm working on my hip mobility. im short with long femurs and have always loved front squats. I was nervous to try a front squat for fear of falling forward, then I tried and voila! When it comes to building a lower body like Hercules :-), squats should be a key part of any routine. I love front squats! Doing a safety bar back squat is an exercise used to cross grip front squat reddit muscles. It's not always about the numbers. Hi everyone, As an athlete/active competitor I know the value of front squats, however I saw a high bar back squat with a high use of ankle mobility and thought this looked very ‘athletic’ plus the benefit of moving a larger weight. Conclusion: For me the hack squats is the "better" exercise when it comes to pure front leg hypertrophy provided that the individual can perform the exercise without knee pain. Yes, you don’t need as much shoulder, wrists, hips and ankle flexibility, but nonetheless flexibility in these areas will be required in order to reach maximum depth on each rep. Thanks for the summary! Engaged ; Common Issues with cross Arm grip or mobility Issues in my as. The reason is as you stated, the upper back is the limiting factor in the strength/performance of a front squat. Nov 29, 2006 11,273 433. Some coaches believe that a lifter should be able to front squat 90% of the weight that he/she back squats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Thread starter Neely; Start date Jun 27, 2007; Neely lolz. Must Read: We would all be able to agree that Squats run the presence. Front, high bar, low bar, etc. I don't powerlift. Back squats puts a bit more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. One of my legs always buckles in on back squats even if I'm consciously telling myself to push it out. The typical argument in favor of back is that you can move more weight. My posterior chain is a lot stronger than my anterior, so I feel like my front squat is shitty. if you like low bar squatting, which focuses a lot more on the posterior chain (hams and lower back), then front squats might not be a favorite. I'll leave the following tale by John Broz on transfer between the two, who would have about as much experience as anyone in the relative utility of front vs. back squats in the context of olympic weightlifting: I started my squat journey with back squats for about 6 months, and struggled with form. There is a reason why the world record in the Back Squat is over 1,000 lbs; it is better suited to heavy weights. How's the posterior chain? Without getting into what's better for athletes, I've found that all my buddies who're too inflexible to fully back squat (at least when they start out), can do a full range (ATG) front squat without rounding their back. If you're not an Oly lifter, you'll probably only see it once in a while. My personal trainer a while back had me do front squats for form, so I didn't round my back, and to prep for form for cleans, because I couldn't get my elbows up/wrists straight. By engaging nearly every muscle in the body (not just I can get below parallel doing front squats but doing back squats it's more of a struggle to. How To Properly Do Squats - Front Vs Back Squat How To Properly Do Squats. I high bar squat but I'm 6' so that might play a part as well. One vs the other. Incorporated both into a routine, One week heavy back squats + light front squats but higher rep range, week two light back squats + heavy front squats :). I would go so far as to say that the high bar back squat probably has better transfer to the front squat than vice versa, as per John's story above. Seems like a mobility thing for me then. It's quad dominant relative to a back squat. Here is Elliot Hulse's opinion: Front Squat vs. Back Squat Ratio. How is this? Back Squats let you support much heavier loads across your upper back. Lovely form and booty to the floor! I like to think of it as "Which offers more functionality?" i have a home gym so no access to hip abductor machines unfortunately. It's also worth noting that some people have experimented with making front squats the primary movement (e.g. I totally get this! Back squat vs. Front squat This may be more of an r/powerlifting or r/weightroom oriented post, but what is the ratio between your back and front squat? You can do more when you take out the weakest link, which when going from front to back bar position is the upper back (kind of like hooks for your upper back). Why? Front squats vs back squats. If you're an Oly lifter, you'll never get out of sight of front squatting, because of the close relationship with the mechanics of the clean. You really have it in for powerlifters. I do have the same problem. We probably have different source, because it was my understanding that front squat requires, actually, more mobility in the ankle and hip mobility due to the need for the back to remain upright. Front squats. It can increase the strength of your front squat is the only / main reason you do front and versions. Pretty good reason to at least give them a try, me thinks. lot of r/fitness users follow the 5x5 routine (myself being one) but how can you or do you incorporate it into your routines? Back Squats let you lift more weight, but the execution of the Front Squat closely mimics the motion of rising from the bottom position after catching a Clean or Snatch. This means that someone with terrible flexibility may be able to progress towards back squatting with good technical form far faster than they can progress towards front squatting with good form. However, I have found that doing lots of below parallel front squats has helped my back squat mobility slightly. Front squats I barely have to think about. I can't do heavy back squats because of a skeletal imbalance and a nerve impingement in one of my shoulders. Personally, I like to change stuff up. Thread starter JJ29; Start date Sep 18, 2006; 1; 2; Next. It's the same basic movement that targets different parts of the body solely based on where the bar is placed. low bar squatting never felt natural to me, so i will never squat that way. Unless you are competing in back squats, front squats are the better choice for most people from general fitness to athletics. The other, the front squat grip can also be much more fatiguing and requires in. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found: There is no difference between front and back squats in which muscles are being activated. I am now focusing on ankle flexibility so that I can eventually get deeper on those bad boys. He gave me some 20-lb plates and had me put my heels on them as I did back and overhead squats and again, viola! tl;dr for the video: front squats offer better upper back development and flexibility, balance out overdeveloped front musclulature, have a built in 'injury prevention mechanism' (ie you're forced to drop the weight safely if your form is off), more abdominal involvement, less hyperlordotic stress on the spine. At the same time the front squat will remain the better full body exercise due to the extra upper back development, coordination and balance required during the movement. Back Squats let you lift more weight than Front Squats, period. We probably have different source, because it was my understanding that front squat requires, actually, more mobility in the ankle and hip mobility due to the need for the back to remain upright. Back squats work your quads in the same exact way front squats do, except you can lift more weight, thus they hit your quads harder. Knee compression isn’t necessarily a bad thing but as back squats can be much heavier than front squats, especially with a wide stance and only to parallel, then that compression can become dangerous. I have started taking a wider squat stance for my back squats and it has helped. They put more impact on different muscles, I think front squats use quads more than back squats. Tumblr. Weightlifting mythology may have you believe that the back squat activates more muscle fibers or that the front squat will primarily target the quadriceps, but that's not so. Do some box squats - slowly descend onto the box while you sit back, don't just drop into it. So I'll do deep hack squats to replace back squats. many people feel the opposite. tl;dr - front squats are a great movement, but back squats allow you to accrue a relatively greater workload for the actual muscles of the thighs/legs, leading to, in principle, superior strength gains. Will it still target the same muscle groups? The exercise targets the lower body muscles such as quads, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.Additionally, other muscles that benefit from this exercise are the obliques, erector spinae, rectus abdominis and others. The most efficient way to catch the bar in a clean or a snatch is to get a low as possible. Both front squats and back squats deliver plenty of challenge, and, truth be told, they’re pretty advanced moves if you don’t have a ton of experience in the gym. And when you force your weak links to become stronger instead of moving the bar to a different place to avoid them you're going to be stronger and more balanced and less prone to injury. Anyway, my trainer helped me to see that my back (and overhead for that matter) squat issues are a result of my tight ankles. Barbell Hack Squat T Nation. Finally, if you want to target the quads specifically, the back squat spreads the load to your entire leg area and will only be hampered by a weak point such as weak glutes or hamstrings. 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