Honestly Catholicism is very peaceful along with Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Mormon, Baha’I, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jehovah, Hinduism & Jainism. I just can't get over the fact of how peaceful Jain's are though. PARIS: In a major development that should silence critics of Islam who have been blaming it for terrorism, UNESCO has declared that Islam is the most peaceful religion of the world. Buddhism was originally founded in ancient India, from where the religion then spread across a larger part of Asia. It is not a huge stretch to conclude that works of charity targeted at the most vulnerable in society come from a peaceful religion rather than a violent one. Mother of all religions is hinduism.also hindus always wanted peace and wanted to live a peaceful life but due to some islamic extremism we have to defend ourselves. Judaism is also an ancient monotheistic Abrahamic religion like Christianity, but it is based on the Torah as its foundational text. Any person who follows a particular religion may be violent or peaceful, this will not become the paramter for the religion. Sikhism is a religion based on God existing in everyone and of universal brotherhood. Sikhism is another peaceful religion originated from the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. This brought many terrorist type, non aimed people to right path. Islam teaches that God is merciful, unique, all-powerful and has guided mankind through prophets, scriptures, and natural signs. Islam is a religion teaches that there is only one God, which is Allah. Like beef eating, nonveg, is sin. Répondre Enregistrer. They're actually not. Equally light and dark, for one cannot exist without the other. Taoism is different than Confucianism. Because… most have not read the Quran, or the “Hadiths” that expound on the verses in the Quran and the life of the prophet Mohammed. Hinduism is the dormant and largest religion practices across India. Daha fazla videoya gözat. This harmony with the universe gives me faith, and the universe rewards me with luck. It includes a wide corpus of texts, theological positions, practices, and organization. ... Islam. To answer the question we need more than a raw death toll. Paganism, with no hierarchy, is a very peaceful and one with the earth religion. “‘Islam is a peaceful religion,’ it is most always based on the fact that most Muslims are peaceful people. The Torah is the larger part of the text known as the Tanakh or the Hebrew Bible, the supplemental oral tradition that represented by later texts including Midrash and the Talmud. And please mention what your own religion is (or if you're atheist/agnostic). The most peaceful religion in the world is Jainism. History Chamber. Zoroastrianism is based on the teachings of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster, it exalts a deity of wisdom, Azura Mazda as its supreme being and the Wise Lord. Salam also denotes peace. That, however, doesnt necessarily prove that Christianity is more violent. Islam can become peaceful if some of the followers stops terrorist activities. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, it was prominently used as a political neologism for Islam in an effort of some politicians to differentiate between Islamic terrorists, Islamism, and non-violent Muslims. Il y a 1 décennie. That means animals and humans. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity. ? These deeds won't matter at all on the day of judgement if muslims have hurt other people. Yinyang is the concept of naturalist and was practiced in Taoism. You even have the choice to be an atheist and a Hindu. And the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God. People following jainism are entirely vegetarion as killing any animal is a huge sin. What is the most peaceful religion in the world and what is the most destructive religion in the world? Jainism - Extremely peaceful (arguably the most peaceful) religion that promotes non-violence and peace. Further, Catholicism, and in particular St. John Paul II, played a pivotal role in bringing a bout the end of the Cold War. because of this, its only factual that Abrahamic religions are full of misunderstanding and misuse of power which has, and STILL leads to violence in the sole name of religion. Depends on which you follow as well as in which ways if necessary. My shyness is my greatest weakness. mr.obvious. It is traditionally known as Jain Dharma, which is based on the three main principles, ahimsa that practices non-violence, anekantavada that practices non-absolutism, and … Not trying to be mean but throughout history, The Crusades, Christianity . You have the option to believe whatever you want to. Have a wonderful day! Get that off this list for example hello demons/devils not fun nor inspirational. It just demonstrates a high level of efficiency. I Confidently tell that no any religion is peaceful as this. Despite the prevalent narrative, the reality of “the world’s most peaceful religion” mobilizing to the drumbeat of war is not a new development. Why is Jainism below IslamInstead they should be on topComments a Hindu. 45 réponses. It focuses on the law of "never hurting anyone." I strongly believe that the ‘Law of Attraction’ is always working and is absolutely amazing. Atheism spread due to free-thought, skeptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion. The teachings of Buddhism are based on dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, spiritual practices, and beliefs that are largely formed from the original teachings of the Buddha. A habit I live by and have reinforced my entire life around reading a book a week. Give reasons as to why you think so. He teaches how to see the things in a way without any milestone and tell everything is within us, he teaches believe in ourselves. Moreover, it is one of the most ancient religions, which can be traced to Ancient India. To those who claim Islam is the religion of violence, please note that nowhere in the Qur'an does it order Muslims to kill Christians and Jews. This ideal of nonviolence is very strictly enforced, with monks and nuns even putting a piece of cloth across their mouths, … Christianity has played an important role in the forming of the Western civilization, which today, over 33% of the global population are Christians. Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. Buddhism is another peaceful religion that has exists since many years ago. ... Jainism. The Tao Te Ching, a compact book that contained the teachings of Laozi is widely considered the fundamentals of Taoism and where the teaching was based. Atheism, in a broad sense, is the absence of belief in the existence of deities. ... Sikhism. People who kill or whatever that belong to some religion but religion is for peace, that person is not following religion, so it’s not that the religion is bad, the person is bad, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases. Hinduism is the best religion because hinduism always respect other religion except Islam, Islam has been misinterpreted in so many ways and its sad that muslims are mostly to blame for that. What Is The World's Most Peaceful Religion? Jai hind. It believes that thoughts are waves or particles which science is just beginning to prove. 303 certified writers online. 22 réponses. Islam is considered the world’s second-largest religion in the world and the fastest growing major religion with over 1.8 billion followers or about 24% of the world’s population. Islam may be a peaceful religion, but the people those who are following Islam are not the best examples till now to be said as peaceful religion. Buddha invite people to listen and understand the teaching. You don't grow massive caliphates just by fighting defensive wars. and wich is the largest. Répondre Enregistrer. It's ludicrous to believe, for example, that the massive expansive battles of early Islam were all defensive. What is the world’s most peaceful religion? The primary scripture of Islam is Quran and is often considered the verbatim word of God by the Muslims. Il y a 1 décennie. If only they realise that Islam is so much more than praying 5 times a day, fasting, hajj. Despite being Hindu I think Buddhists are way more strong believer of Karma, I knew this would first, Buddhism represents peace, love, happiness, good fortune, and the the Buddha was a great man, also I'm Hindu and I still support, and vote, and actually Buddhism and the Buddha himself originated from India, search him up his name is Siddhartha Gautama, I also have a statue of him in my living room. List of The Most Peaceful Religions, ranked by the combined opinions of 845 people as of December 2020. read more . Sikhism is the most peaceful, tolerant, human & nature loving religion ever. The most basic principle for Jains is live and let others live. This, however, only confirms the fact that most humans of the world pursue peaceful lives, without truly addressing the ideology itself.” – it is because individuals have certain controls of their life, they can adopt the teachings of Islam. Peace be satanism; peace be the world! My greatest weakness: I act as an extrovert but from deep inside I am an Introvert and Shy. Either Buddhism or Janism. We are also very powerful. Subscribe! Buddhism has always been seen as the most peaceful religion, yet another belief has outranked it. Atheists, don't just none. It is the same with most other major religions. Like this post? Jain scriptures have explained the working of the universe on an atomic level. The first individual to identify themselves with the word ‘atheism’ was from the Age of Enlightenment during the French Revolution. And my most favorite book is: The Secret. 7 years ago. Réponse préférée. The most peaceful religion is any which rejects a responsibility to your neighbor. Bless you all, whether you believe followers are peaceful or not. That is why I'm a Satanist myself. The major features of Zoroastrianism such as heaven and hell, messianism, and free will have influenced other religious systems, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. There is always a large crowd around any ISKON TEMPLE they spatially survive on PRASADAM. We will write a custom Essay on Buddhism as the Most Peaceful Religion specifically for you. Well all religions say to abstain from sin, but then they don't know what sin is. Anyone is not forced to … These secipal principle makes life of a person very peaceful. It is also considered one of the most complex and diverse religion, having thousands of gods, with a wide variety of core beliefs and exists in many different sects. For example we lost huge knowledge by vandalism of University Nayland a which was a Buddhist university gathered lother of knowledge. Anonyme. Réponse préférée. The Bhagavad Gita is a very important text of Hinduism, was also practiced by the late Mahatma Gandhi. It's almost impossible for people of this community to think of killing a human. Jesus Christ is the One who taught to "love your enemies". It is a fact that Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world as it respects all the truthful persons like Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus. which is the most peaceful religion in the world? With the advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad- the Promised Messiah, this peaceful aspect has been highlighted. Is it helpful to you? Jainism is the most peaceful religion ever for mankind. Christianity is the largest organized religion in the world, with 2.4 billion adherents and followers around the world. The religion is not just the most peaceful and in harmony with nature but also the most advanced scientifically. If I made this list I'd put Jainism as #1, with Hinduism (specifically Hare Krishna) following. So which religion prioritizes peace? Buddhism - A philosophy that tells people the way to get rid of the Samsara Chakra (the circle of death and born again in another life) which is the main reason for pain and suffering. And distributing delesus PRASADAM all the people and million of people got daily PRASADAM cost of free. Judaism is the expression of the covenant that God established with the Children of Israel. Jainism is one of the most ancient Indian religions and is also a religion of peace. Currently I’m reading this book: Quite. Lv 6. il y a 1 décennie. Some Islamic Facebook pages have been claiming that UNESCO has declared Islam as world's most peaceful religion. Professor Juan Cole casually estimates that Christians chalked up roughly 50 times more violent deaths than Muslims across the past century. My greatest strength: My love for reading books, life on internet, affection and blessings of my parents and friends. 42 réponses. If any have doubt then search ISKON on google, all things you got, or meet a people that this following you know all about this. We accept the duality of man, we are not a "religion of light", we are a religion of humanity. Find Essays and Articles Written By Experts, How to Live in Peace with Yourself and Others: 7 Outstanding Tips, 20 Most Peaceful Countries in the World to Live in. Followers of many different religions claim that theirs is a “religion of peace”, but most of the time their claims They are fully vegetarian never take any non-veg food, not do any type of intoxication, never play or take part in any gambling, and never have any irritative sex. A wonderful religion with the most amazing followersI live in Iran, I'm an atheist, but I know some Baha'I and they are the most peaceful people on earth,they suffer a lot, some people don't know anything about it, and the children read in the school that Baha'I is a faith created by the British!But they never give up, they go through all of these, and they are still the nicest people you know.My Baha'I brothers and sisters, I love you, I love you so much, you're amazing, I suffer as you suffer, I cry as you cry and know this, even if the world end and everything turn into ashes, I never stop loving you :'(, Reading their scriptures and authoritative commentaries makes it clear that a peaceful world, united under one God, is the goal of this religion. Buddhism. In your opinion, of course. Add your votes to this ultimate ranking. Jainism. Being a Hindu, I could have voted for Hinduism. We encourage carving your own path and the acceptance of others. The post states the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a certificate dated July 4, 2016 declaring Islam “the most peaceful religion of the world”. Jainism’s central tenet is ahimsa, that is, non-violence, and it is therefore one of the most peaceful religions known to humankind. Buddhism has always been seen as the most peaceful religion, yet another belief. A religion is voilent or peaceful is determined by the activities of people following the faith. Non muslim may blame islam for terrorism because they don't know islam. Although some atheists have adopted the philosophies of humanism, there is no one ideology or set of behaviors to which the atheists adhere. In fact, Islam preaches peace. Most Peaceful Religion in the World. If a person is conscious it is very difficult for him or her to indulge in any harmful activities. Christians should not be forcing people into their religion. Jainism is one of the most ancient Indian religions and is also a religion of peace. THINK about your answer. Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! Sikhism is Religion of Love, Goodwill &Peace towards all Creation including Humankind.It cherishes Equality & Equal Opportunity for all irrespective of race, religions, gender, ethnicity, nationality or socioeconomic status. Don’t forget to share it! Book Summary: The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind. Christians seem to love rebuking and arguing all the time, but in truth, it's a very beautiful, peaceful religion. Satanism, the world's most misunderstood and wrongly accused religion.never in history has Satanism been involved in wars, terror and mass killings like Islam and Christianity.and ironically when christians are confronted with questions and ideas different than their religion they turn mean and foul-mouthed. A beautiful and loving way of life, We promote harmony, towards nature as we are part of it. Most violent one is Hinduism, just read history since they are ruling India how innocent christians, muslims, dalits, sikhs and other minorities have been burnt alive by these monsters. But doesn't tell to belive at once. Tell me which religion is more peaceful. Jihads by the sword, Islam . Sikhism is the most peaceful, tolerant, human & nature loving religion ever. Additionally, the practice of officially associating a family or household with a religious institute while not formally practicing the affiliated religion is common in many countries. I am a Hindu but I have so much respect for Jains. We are peaceful that's not mean that we are weak. Also, I am sad that there are many homophobic Christians. It is the top most peaceful religion of the world specially the KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS FOLLOWER. Indeed, despite having an impressive 2.2 billion followers, Christians are persecuted worldwide. Buddhism is a very peaceful religion that respects life in all of its aspects. It is traditionally known as Jain Dharma, which is based on the three main principles, ahimsa that practices non-violence, anekantavada that practices non-absolutism, and aparigraha that practices non-attachment. Jainism. Christianity is the best , as Christ taut those to love your enemy and neighbor as your self we have no wars at all however many other religions do so yeah BOOM! My favorite quote: ‘What you seek is seeking you’- Rumi. Réponse Enregistrer. Hinduism is one of the oldest known organized religions in the world. Judaism is considered the tenth-largest religion in the world with over 17 million followers in the world. Namokar Mantra is the most common and fundamental prayer in Jainism. ... Atheism. Source: quora.com. Bildir. Most of the Zoroastrians live in India and in Iran, and this religion is also being practiced amongst the Kurds. The analysis presents some challenges. Let me know what you think about this article. – Answered! Sikhism practices constant spiritual meditation of God’s name instead of yielding to the psyche, living a householder’s life instead of monasticism, being selfless service to others, equality of all human beings, and truthful action to dharma, right righteousness. What is the most peaceful religion in the world?-Buddhism. Some religions have harmonized with local cultures and can be seen as a cultural background rather than a formal religion. for only $16.05 $11/page. Not only has a satanist never killed anyone (that was almost always the D.H.U.A framing them), they actively oppose the most violent industrialized entities in the whole world. I am very thankful to SRILLA PRABHUPADA GURU to spread this most peaceful religion all over the world. Islam teaches the best way, don't judge islam if you don't know islam at all, learn it first then comments, don't talk like you guys know everything about islam, just because someone islam make mistakes then you guys blame the religion. What is More Important, Love or Peace? Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! Followers who practice Islam are called Muslims. Go Buddhism ☺️. But Christians and others do this with complete JOY. In Sri Lanka missionaries came to the island such as Francis xavior who spread cruelty for spreading religion. I love it. Any one can see (understand) Dhamma. For me, my family and friends are everything. This is because Christianity is not a religion of expansion and violence but a way of life that preaches unconditional love towards others. Thread starter civfanatic; Start date Jul 29, 2014; Tags peaceful religion; Home. Against that backdrop, Michael Jerryson’s If You Meet the Buddha On the Road: Buddhism, Politics and Violence is part of a growing body of scholarship examining the historical and contemporary entanglements of Buddhists in war and oppression. What is the Difference Between Being Happy and Having Peace? "Islam does not preach killing non-muslims, heck it even says that during war do not harm crops, trees, animals, women, children, those who surrender. Most destructive? Taoism, which can also be known as Daoism, is a religious or philosophical tradition of Chinese origin which emphasizes the living in harmony with the Tao. ~ HARE KRISHNA. The Quran says "If you kill one human, it is as if you have killed the entire humanity, and if you save one person, it is as if you saved the entire humanity. I'm asking about religion, not non-religion. Atheism is rationales for not believing in deities include arguments that there is a lack of empirical evidence, the argument of inconsistent revelations, and the argument from non-beliefs. UNESCO has denied any such declaration. The never heart any entity till an ant. They don't eat meat and very strict Jains walk with a broom sweeping the ground just to be sure they don't step on insects and things. And the traditions in Hinduism have always emphasized peace and harmony. 0 0. Should the answer be based purely on a body count? Anonyme. May Allah grant peace for them also. The Quran says that the only sin that is unforgivable other thsn shirk is hurting someone's feelings, nobody can enter heaven if they have hurt someone (and the person didn't forgive ...more. And treat prisoners of war with respect.Its sad that Islam is portrayed in such a way but no doubt it is a group of Muslims who misinterpreted it which resulted into this. This and Hinduism are the only two most peaceful religions I've ever heard of. Anonymous. Sonraki oynatılıyor. Sikhism is the most peaceful there has never been a religious attacks from Sikhs, Buddhism should not be first because of the Myanmar genocides from Buddhists, Islam promotes cutting hands of, and Sikhism is the most reasonable because it accepts everyone and feeds 37,000,000 each year. Forums. It doesn't get any better than that to be honest. Specially Muslims/Christians. How pathetic you guys,blam the person not the religion. Hinduism, like Buddhism, Jainism, and other Eastern religions, teach you Karma (treat people the way you want to be treated) and if in doubt follow your inner consciousness to determine what is right and wrong, not some misleading Abrahamic prophet. Although that Hinduism is practiced by the millions, it has no single scripture, founder, or even a common set of teachings. But anyways, Christianity is a very peaceful religion. Nature, universe and it's elements are our gods and goddesses, as both male and female are equally important. Actually our religion name is not hinduism its sanatana dharma I am very proud to see all the top peaceful religions are from india. Make the branch of love continuous. The word ‘atheism’ originated from ancient Greek, which means “without god”. Any one can come. Buddhism is considered the fourth-largest religion in the world, with over 520 million followers, or over 7% of the global population. It's only those bad groups. And these principles have greatly impacted the culture of Jain followers where the majority of them are practice a vegetarian lifestyle to avoid animal killings that will harm their life cycles. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism are based on the sacred scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. In the face of unmitigated persecution for 40 years, Baha'u'llah, founder of the Baha'I faith told a British scholar in the 1890s: "These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the 'Most GreatPeace' shall come.". Here are a few recommended articles for you to read next: I love dancing, singing, travelling, watching videos on Youtube and making new friends. Sikhism has always protected and not actively caused aggression against others, Pagans don't have an extreme dogma, we only wish to live in peace and harmony in nature. I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. Which religion is the most peaceful? Tao is the fundamental idea in most Chinese philosophical schools. ... Taoism. What is the most peaceful religion? Zoroastrianism is another peaceful religion in the world, which also natively known as Mazdayasna, is one of the world’s oldest extant religions. The culture of Eastern Muslims is to rely on and believe what those in authority say. Join more than 50,000 subscribers receiving regular updates! It is considered the youngest and major world religions. Compare Alto Saxon (Germanic) Paganism to Roman. Pertinence. Don't just say "mine MINE!" 0 6. How can the majority of Muslims claim it is a peaceful religion? I don't think there is a Peaceful Religion, but the most Peaceable people of a religion would have to be Jehovah's Witnesses because they don't make war with anyone in the home or in the world, They follow Jesus' example on how to be peaceable with others, in fact … Shopping is my favorite pastime! Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me. Altho religions may preach peace, we know that almost all major religions were involved in wars, and no, they were not all defensive wars as apologists like to claim. Paganism celebrates the fact that, we do not rule the earth, but are a part of it. It's a shame we have developed such a bad image. And Taoism is the principle that is the source, substance, and pattern of everything that exists. Islam truly does preach peace and love. The teachings of Taoism vary depending on the particular school, but in general, Taoism emphasizes the art of “naturalness”, simplicity, and spontaneity. Buddha teaches peace and gives a vision of seeing reality. Religious History. Paganism looks down on the abuse of animals. But while Sikhs may have good reason to be occasionally violent, it doesn’t help make their case for being peaceful Buddhism has always been pointed to as one of the world’s most peaceful religions In order to fulfill one of their three most important tenets, Buddhists cannot harm any sentient living thing Historical Buddhist texts actively condemn violence, and the Buddha himself even states that soldiers who die in … “After six months of rigorous study and analysis, we have concluded that Islam is the most peaceful religion,” Robert McGee, head of comparative studies wing of International Peace Foundation declared in a press conference that was attended by UNESCO officials too. If you think about it most religions are peace oriented. The knowledge and wisdom of Hinduism have been passed down from generation to generation. It is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is the focal point of the Christian faith, and referred as the Messiah that was prophesied in the Old Testament. It is traditionally known as Jain Dharma, which is based on the three main principles, ahimsa that practices non-violence, anekantavada that practices non-absolutism, and … ... Judaism. Judaism has been pretty peaceful for the past 2,000 years, but just like Islam, there were a lot of wars in its early days, altho admittedly not as much as Islam & Christianity. They don't believe in killing any living thing. The religion requiring good deeds and abstinence from sins is Judaism... . Pertinence. Islam derived from an arabic word slim which means peace. I believe consciousness and presence are two important factors for any action. Pertinence. Quran the first and the foremost source of guidance for Muslims, whatever the denomination, has no teachings which are not peaceful. Proud to be Indian. Jainism is one of the most ancient Indian religions and is also a religion of peace. Islam Votes: 11 7.6% Christianity Votes: 28 19.3% Hinduism Votes: 13 9.0% Sikhism Votes: 1 … Most violent one is Hinduism, just read history since they are ruling India how innocent christians, muslims, dalits, sikhs and other minorities have been burnt alive by these monsters. And now, I love reading books more than anything else. The term religion of peace has been applied to different religions including Islam and Christianity to describe their allegedly peaceful nature. There are over 25 million Sikhs around the world, and the majority of them are living in the Indian state of Punjab. They are sharing a fake screenshot to make the claim. Most other religions spreader and teach by force or killing other religions. 2.2 billion followers, or over 7 % of the world a most peaceful religion,,. Followers are peaceful or not believe, for one can not exist the! 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The Bhagavad Gita is a peaceful religion in the Indian subcontinent teach by force or killing other religions and. Was from the Punjab region of the most peaceful religion specifically for you ’ it is the peaceful... Added a new habit of reading books, life on internet, and! Son of God and the savior of humanity, towards nature as we are a part Asia... Is based on God existing in everyone and of universal brotherhood and arguing all the peaceful! Existing in everyone and of universal brotherhood Punjab region of the Indian state of Punjab pathetic you,. Believes that thoughts are waves or particles which science is just beginning prove!

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