Balinor (portrayed by John Lynch) was the last known Dragonlord. Affected, Arthur tries to be more considerate towards Gwen (offering to make dinner etc. Merlin is understandably drawn in by Borden's news, and promises to help him. She causes Uther to lose his mind and when Merlin discovers her and Morgause's alliance they attempt to kill him. Merlin is later thrown in the dungeons. It is also shown that Mordred's magic is powerful enough to kill four or five armed soldiers with a single spell. The Dragon subsequently flew Merlin back to the outskirts of Camelot. However, his efforts to help her begin to turn her heart against Uther forever. In the first season, Arthur began as a spoiled bully, shown throwing knives at a terrified servant, and picking a fight with Merlin on multiple occasions just for a laugh. When questioned, he explains his time is drawing to a close. Cornelius Sigan (portrayed by Mackenzie Crook when possessing Cedric's body) was the greatest sorcerer Camelot had ever known. He entered the burial chamber and attempted to steal the jewel set in the tomb of Cornelius Sigan, but was instead possessed by Sigan's spirit. Ygraine Pendragon (portrayed by Alice Patten) was the wife of Uther Pendragon and mother of Arthur. Arthur's relationship with Gwen continued to develop over the third series as well. Morgana's Saxon Army prepares to attack the forces of Camelot at Camlann, Mordred is sent to lead part of the army through a secret pass to attack Camelot's forces. Gwaine regularly fought against Morgana's soldiers to obtain food for Gaius, whilst Elyan cared for him. Whether through destiny or circumstance, Morgana and her sister were born to a world in conflict. Continuing with his story that he had left Camelot before the tournament, he pretended to have killed Myror during an ambush on the way back. When Merlin confronted Gilli about his attempt to kill Uther, even though he had been about to win the tournament, Gilli acknowledged that he had been wrong. She subsequently instructed him in what she knew of his life and of his previous attraction to Gwen, then ordered him to seduce her. 7 Merlin Poisons Morgana (S2.E12) One of the saddest moments came in the episode "The Fires of Idirsholas" as fans saw the beginning of Morgana's descent into evil. Percival survives the battle of Camlann and joins Gawain to hunt down Morgana. This reconciliation did not initially last, however, and in "The Sword in the Stone, Part Two", Arthur dismissed her, calling it "a moment of weakness." The guards stomped away, their armor grating against the flagstones. When Morgana takes over Camelot with the warlord Helios, Merlin, Arthur, Gwen and two smugglers (Tristan and Isolde) are attacked by Agravaine and his army in Ealdor. Arthur, however, released him shortly thereafter, admitting that Lancelot fights like a knight despite his lack of the other necessary 'qualifications'. Soon, Elyan was put in the same cell with Gwaine and Gaius. After taking them to her partner in crime, Tristan, and they are allowed to venture with the two smugglers for the time being. Anhora set a variety of 'tests' for the prince, the second of which Arthur failed when he 'killed' a thief for insulting his pride and honour. After helping Merlin recover, the Dragon consoled him about Morgana's defection. In "The Poisoned Chalice", Bayard and many of his knights visited Camelot with the intention of signing a peace treaty with Uther. Gwen couldn't understand why the Saxons knew where they were. When Arthur wins the tournament, he lets the farmer posing as 'Sir William' take the glory, as Arthur feels it is a time for humility. Merlin was then forced to ask the Great Dragon for help, and discovered that the only way to break the enchantment was to have Uther cry tears of "true remorse". Elena (portrayed by Georgia King) is a princess and daughter of Lord Godwyn, an old friend of Uther's. Uther destroyed the wraith, and Merlin subsequently threw the sword into the Lake of Avalon at the urging of the Great Dragon. King Rodor (Portrayed by James Fox) is Princess Mithian's father. He is often called upon to get Merlin out of trouble or to remind him not to be reckless with the use of magic. The cataclysmic Rune Wars had ripped through most of Valoran and Shurima, and seemed poised to engulf even the peaks of Targon.Morgana’s parents, Mihira and Kilam, knew the legends of the great mountain granting divine power—they saw no other choice than to attempt … He was greatly concerned when she was thought to have been kidnapped by the Druids, and set off to rescue her in "The Nightmare Begins". Morgana finds where they are heading and attacks them, hoping to watch Arthur die slowly, but Merlin kills her. Fortunately, Merlin is able to clear Gwen of this crime by using an aging spell to give himself the appearance of an elderly sorcerer who enchanted both Gwen and Arthur to cause chaos in Camelot, the two subsequently agreeing to keep their feelings secret until Arthur is king and can change the laws that currently prevent them from being together. The series ends with Merlin returning Excalibur to the lake, which is then shown in modern times, safeguarded by an immortal Merlin, waiting for Arthur to return to Albion. However, she didn't understand Uther’s hatred for magic, and did not favour his reaction of killing those with magic. However, his use of magic was revealed by Merlin and Arthur killed Knight Valiant in the finale of the tournament. He entrusted her to the High Priestesses of the Old Religion. Gaius helped Balinor to flee Camelot and sent him to Ealdor, where he stayed for a brief time with Merlin's mother, Hunith. Morgause's occupation of Camelot ultimately proved brief. After her son was executed for using magic, she threatened to kill Prince Arthur in revenge against the king. Gwen is imperative in saving Arthur's life in "Sweet Dreams", and it is due to Merlin's convincing that she agrees to help. Arthur reaches his hand to touch Merlin's hair, knowing it is the last time he ever will. He planned to kill Prince Arthur with the snakes, take the title of champion and win the heart of Morgana. Merlin later returns to her when their village is attacked by raiders. Morgana Pendragon (portrayed by Katie McGrath) is the heretofore unknown daughter of Uther Pendragon and Vivianne- the wife of his close friend and leading military commander, Gorlois; she is the half-sister of Arthur Pendragon and Morgause. Knowing that the spell would not end naturally until the wraith had killed Uther, Merlin had the Great Dragon burnish a sword with his fire to create a weapon that could kill the wraith, forging Excaliber. Volgens de ene vertelling verleidde Morgana Arthur welbewust om een kind (Mordred) te verwekken. Morgana's dreams (which she's said to have had since she was very young) are, in fact, visions- her nightmares presaged several events, that Merlin and Gaius were able to use in order to prevent the things seen by Morgana (like Arthur's death) from coming to pass. It is implied that she will return in the synopsis of the episode "The Hunter's Heart". Arthur was barely able to avert a full-on war with Queen Annis and even earned a tentative peace with her, and he later apologizes to Gwen. Despite the warning, Merlin eventually helps Morgana in a plan for Arthur to escape with the boy. In "The Coming of Arthur", he is the only survivor of Camelot's knights when they are massacred after King Cenred accused them of trespassing on his territory during a patrol. In the first-season episode, "Valiant", Ewan was bitten by the snakes on Valiant's enchanted shield during the annual sword-fighting tournament. It has never been revealed which parent the two women shared, but it is believed that they had the same mother, Vivienne. Het bestaan van Mordred is in bijna alle vertellingen een list of een misverstand. Gilli (portrayed by Harry Melling) is a young man who attempted to participate in the tournament of Camelot, secretly using his magic to prevail in the tournament. In a deleted scene, Lancelot revealed that "Cenred's men raided his village and killed his family" and as soon as he had heard Lancelot was going to Camelot to fight them he volunteered his services to help. "Although most … (One has to wonder how he was able to determine this). Arthur sees this as an act of war and is forced to prevent Morgana from reaching anywhere near Camelot by choosing to meet her forces at Camlann, the battlefield where Arthur is destined to die. The series climax sees Morgana turned into a vessel for a sleeping plague by Morgause, her half-sister, and Merlin poisons her reluctantly, blackmailing Morgause into ending her attack. He was only stopped when Merlin intervened, who tearfully claimed that Morgause had been lying and faked the story. When faced with the choice of either him or Merlin drinking poison to stop the curse, Arthur took the responsibility upon himself, refusing to let Merlin or Camelot die because of him. After saving Merlin's life from a rampaging griffin, the warlock promised to help the other man achieve his goal. Merlin, Arthur's maidservant. The second episode brings Mordred to the center stage as he journeys with the Saxons and the two prisoners—Arthur and Merlin—to the fortress in Ismere where Morgana is. When he summons Kilgharrah in the tenth episode, the dragon appears visibly injured as he helps Merlin evade Morgana. Agravaine kept his cover as a seemingly loyal kinsman to Arthur until the penultimate episode, "The Sword and the Stone, Part One", when he cleared the way for Morgana and the warlord, Helios, to invade Camelot, even joining in the fighting during the battle. When he came to, Merlin told him that he had dealt the dragon a mortal blow, when in reality Merlin used his new status as a Dragonlord to command it to cease its attack. He is left for dead by Morgause shortly afterwards, but is rescued by the Great Dragon, and learns Morgana is now his nemesis. Presumably before she was married, she became pregnant with a baby girl. Gwaine saw somebody going along the tunnels and he followed them. The obvious bond that had grown between Lancelot and Gwen caused some jealousy from Arthur, who was also developing feelings for her. However Morgana does not accept defeat so easily. When Merlin finds out Morgana also has magic, he fights the temptation to tell her of his powers. He hunted Arthur in the tunnels, but was baited into chasing Merlin towards a dead end. Merlin becomes friends with Lady Morgana, the King's Ward, and Guinevere (Gwen), her maid. The Great Dragon later tells Merlin that Mordred will one day kill Arthur. Merlin was also able to save Uther, thus foiling Edwin's plot. The following morning, Arthur and his knights lead a rebellion to win back Camelot from Morgana. In "The Poisoned Chalice", Arthur disobeyed Uther to seek out a cure for Merlin after he drank from a poisoned goblet meant for Arthur himself and stated such a loyal servant was hard to find. Later, in "The Dark Tower", Elyan was killed by an enchanted sword while saving Gwen from Morgana. Merlin intervened by heating the dagger in Aredian's hand and in the ensuing scuffle, Aredian fell out of a glass window from a high tower to his death. Morgause, who was born before the event at a time when magic was still allowed in Camelot, had inherited magical powers probably from her mother Vivienne. Merlin prevented them both from finishing the sacrifice and killing Arthur, using Sophia's discarded magical staff to kill both Aulfric and his daughter. In the episode "Lancelot du Lac", Morgana brings Lancelot back from the dead when she hears that Arthur intends to marry Gwen. Little is known about Caerleon's personality. Gaius himself used to practice sorcery - a fact that Uther is aware of, although he is satisfied that Gaius has forsaken his old magical abilities. Geoffrey has no personal connection to any of the Pendragon family or the castle inhabitants. And everyone knows how older brothers feel about their little sisters dating… But Morgause takes Morgana away from Camelot; she heals her and succeeds in turning her completely against Camelot. She seemed to see Arthur in a good light and even glorified him by commenting that he brought hope for all of them. See more ideas about merlin morgana, merlin, katie mcgrath. Eveline is undoubtedly Merlin's closest life-long friend and companion, as she is his twin sister. Mar 18, 2019 - I always find that the villains are the most interesting characters, the one with the most depth. They venture to Camelot to take back what is rightfully Arthur's which results in Isolde's death. Morgana helped establish … Towards the end of the series, Merlin plays a vital role as offers his own life in place for Arthur's to the sorceress Nimueh. Most of his inaction appears to be dictated by his concern about the future; he even sided with Merlin in freeing Uther from a troll's enchantment, despite the old magical ties between the two races. She later revealed to Arthur a suspect version of the truth of Arthur's conception and birth through the summoned spirit of Ygraine. However, Myror deduced that Arthur had returned to Camelot, and soon tracked him to Gwen's house, where Arthur was staying. Morgana, not realising Morgause is her sister, feels she has met her before and somehow knows her. She is one of three elder half-sisters to Arthur who are the daughters of … Over a year later, Morgause was still suffering from the injuries she'd suffered at Gaius and Merlin's hands. Though initially doubtful, Arthur trusted Merlin enough to try and did pull the sword free, proving his worthiness and providing him with the boost of confidence needed to retake Camelot. Mordred later sides with a group of bandits led by a sorcerer named Alvarr. Tristan confirms his love for her with a kiss upon her lips after she dies. In the subsequent battle to reclaim Camelot, Morgause was defeated by the combined magic of Gaius and Merlin, the latter of whom threw her against a column which rendered her unconscious. Gwaine subsequently joined the two on their quest to recover the Cup of Life, but the Cup is lost during a subsequent attack by Cenred's forces. The noble knight managed to speak the name of his friend and thank him before passing away for the last time. In "The Darkest Hour, Part One", Elyan rescued Percival as he fled from the rampaging Dorocha, carrying several children. It was during this time that Merlin discovered that the troll had to continually take a potion to maintain the form of Catrina. In the BBC’s Merlin, Morgana begins as a friend to Arthur, Gwen, and Merlin, but, in the end, she betrays them. Morgana, however, had a change of heart as Uther apologised to her for ordering Tom's execution. Arthur's relationship with Gwen finally seemed to reach fruition in "Lancelot du Lac", when he asked her to marry him. In the fifth series, Merlin only calls on the Great Dragon as a last resort, as Morgana relies on trickery as much as magic in her plots against Camelot. In "The Coming of Arthur, Part One", however, Morgause betrayed him by taking control of Cenred's army, which had just been made immortal via the Cup of Life, and ordered one of the soldiers to kill him. Dec 27, 2020 - Explore Bri Torres's board "Merlin morgana" on Pinterest. After another attack by the griffin, Arthur sped up Lancelot's training in order for him to join the other knights in the coming battle against the creature. In the fourth-season finale, "The Sword in the Stone, Part Two", Agravaine was chased into a series of caves by Kilgharrah. Mordred and Alvarr sneak into Camelot where they visit Morgana and persuade her to steal the Crystal of Neahtid. After inheriting Balinor's power upon his father's death, Merlin was able to command the Dragon and, it is implied, gained the necessary magic to hurt him, but, instead of killing him, Merlin ordered the Dragon to leave Camelot. When Arthur drank from a goblet that he thought was filled with poison, Anhora stated that because Arthur had been willing to sacrifice himself for Merlin, the curse would be lifted. Grettir is a mysterious dwarf Warlock who has many unknown powers. He then shows huge respect to Lancelot, telling him that he will be the greatest of all Camelot's knights. Under unspecified circumstances, Freya was captured by the bounty hunter Halig and taken to Camelot, only to be freed by Merlin. It was left uncertain as to Cedric's ultimate fate. Merlin interferes and foils the attack, but Odin then corners the King in a gorge. Percival arrived too late to save him, having broken free of his bindings after hearing Gwaine's screams. Merlin doesn't fully trust Mordred, a feeling echoed throughout the series. Due to Gwen's status she has a tendency to be subservient, but she is seen to not be afraid of standing up for her beliefs and speaking her mind; a trait admired by most around her, particularly Arthur. Other than that, he is kind with a good sense of humor and has been shown to have an especially strong friendship with his fellow knight Gawaine. Set during the end of season 3. Catrina (portrayed by Sarah Parish) was a noble of the House of Tregor. Although his actions did indeed prevent Arthur reaching the Lake of Avalon in time, peace was brought about when Merlin killed Morgana. Arthur kills Mordred outright with Excalibur, and then collapses. Before they could be killed, however, they were rescued by Arthur and Merlin, who had come seeking Gwen. In the fourth-season premiere, "The Darkest Hour, Part One", her village was attacked by the Dorocha, the spirits of the dead. His main love in life apart from serving appears to be brass. Gwaine quickly shouted before Agravaine could do any harm to Gaius. He ran with them, carrying a sword. He willingly does this to protect Arthur from living with the burden of killing his own father, though he still struggles with the truth (and is angered by having to cover up for Uther)- and feels uncomfortable with Arthur thanking him for 'revealing' Morgause's plot (he's also threatened with death by Uther, to never speak to anyone of Arthur's actions). Tom (portrayed by David Durham) was the father of Guinevere and Elyan. Inhabiting Cedric's body, Sigan animated the citadel's gargoyles and unleashed a raven-like monster to destroy Camelot, forcing Merlin to go to the Great Dragon for help. During the Great Purge, Uther contacted Balinor to express his desire to make peace with the Great Dragon. Also, a clearly different 'Great Dragon' appears in the 1998 film, Merlin, to whom Nimueh is almost sacrificed. As the final battle begins, Merlin encounters the Ghost of his Father and with his guidance, regains his magic. In the third season, Morgana returns, this time fully committed to kill Uther and Arthur. To stop Merlin from sacrificing himself, Gaius goes in his place. Though Gaius realises that the sleeping potions (in reality, they were also attempts to keep her burgeoning powers latent) are no longer working, but he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge what's happening to Morgana, and patently ignores Merlin's pleas to try and help her. Although Gwen was briefly reunited with Lancelot, she now appears more secure in her relationship with Arthur, kissing him before he departed for the raid on Camelot, the two sharing another kiss in the courtyard after the battle when Gwen rode into Camelot alongside the new Knights of the Round Table. After Isolde catches Arthur and Merlin watching their camp, Tristan allows them to travel with the smugglers for the time being. She was smuggled out of … He aided in the battle in the dungeons, and was even wounded at the time. For a moment, Gwaine saw the traitor that Agravaine was, but then Agravaine reassured him. The queen's brother, Tristan De Bois, swore revenge on Uther and Nimueh later brought him back from the dead as a wraith in order to wreak vengeance. When they arrived at the Isle, however, Lancelot willingly took Merlin's place, both to fulfill the promise he'd made to Gwen and also to keep Merlin alive, who was Arthur's chief and most effective protector. In the fourth season's two-part finale, "The Sword in the Stone", Elyan was captured, along with Gaius and Gawain, when Morgana again took over Camelot. Like Vivian, she is said to have been a pupil of Merlin, and she is much associated with the magical island of Avalon. Once Gaius is at the brink of death, Nimueh offers to ally with Merlin, but then fights him after he refuses and is killed by a lightning bolt summoned by Merlin. He was a sorcerer that had worked to bring justice upon the ones defying The Triple Goddess. Saxons, Morgana's men, are in charge of bringing the sorceress slaves; when they return to Ismere to pass Morgana slaves, she is shocked to see Mordred with the Saxons. Gaius managed to procure an antidote, but Valiant discovered that Ewan had survived and that Merlin had discovered his scheme. She first notices Merlin when he stands up to Arthur when Arthur is taunting a servant. Morgana's Sister ~A Merlin Love Story~ "The Dragon's Call" (Part 2) HolaImVeronica backup Merlin enters Gaius's chambers, and sits down to eat. Stricken with grief, Uther outwardly blamed sorcery for his wife's death, and vowed revenge on all forms of magic. She sends him to Camelot hoping that he will be able to develop his magical talents, but he soon discovers that the use of sorcery there is expressly forbidden and punishable with death. Knowing that Godwyn would seek to improve his kingdom's ties with Camelot through a marriage between Elena and Arthur, the Sidhe King intended that the Sidhe within Elena would awaken after her marriage, placing a Sidhe on Camelot's throne. Sir Owain (portrayed by Kyle Redmond-Jones) was a royal knight of Camelot. As she died, she thanked Merlin for making her feel loved again, promising to repay his kindness one day. Morgana and Helios lead a terrifying manhunt in pursuit of Gwen before she can warn Arthur of Morgana's impending attack. When traveling to rescue him, Gwen described her brother to Arthur, calling him "one of those people who never settled down, never thinks about the future; just follows his heart wherever it leads him," and that he had a tendency to "always be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Lancelot was subsequently captured and sentenced to be eaten by the wildren Hengist kept. Once Gwen is returned to her normal self, Morgana makes it her mission to hunt down Emrys. Merlin found the body of the dead knight and worked out that it was Myror whom Arthur was fighting. "The Once the Future Queen" again displays Gwen's ability to stand up to Arthur as when he stays at her house pretending to be a commoner, Gwen becomes aggravated when Arthur is nothing but rude to her. When Merlin was injured protecting Arthur, he volunteered to take the wounded man back to Camelot while Arthur and the others continued with the quest. Morgana, devastated at her army's destruction, her defeated reign and her sister's injuries declares that her crusade against Camelot has just begun before using her magic to escape. Lancelot guesses that Arthur loves Gwen and so he leaves at the end of the episode so they can be together. The Great Dragon confirms that Arthur is dead; however Merlin realises his destiny is to protect the King's resting place. It is Arthur's victory that sees Annis end her alliance with Morgana, who is accused of being more like Uther than she would like to think herself not to be. Aglain (portrayed by Colin Salmon) was a Druid man who lived in the Forest of Acestir. When they got to the place where Merlin thought Agravaine had been going, they decided to split up. As Agravaine and his men have found them at Ealdor, Isolde runs and hides in the woods along with Guinevere, Merlin, Arthur and Tristan. But, it turned out that Sefa was in fact Ruadan's daughter and she had been placed in Camelot as a mole for Ruadan. He is also the first knight to step forward at Arthur's request for a fighting force against the Dragon. On another occasion, in "The Beginning of the End", Arthur assisted Merlin in helping to free a Druid boy and returning him to his people (unknowing that the boy was actually Mordred, the person destined to one day kill him). In season 2, Morgana's prophetic nightmares continue and other strange events happen around her, that she can't explain and greatly fears. He returns again in episode 2.3 when Morgana goes in search of the Druids. For some time, Morgana keeps her influence over Camelot low and spends her time secretly joining forces with Helios, a ruthless warlord to take over Camelot. When they are invaded by bandits, Arthur, who has been relieved of Merlin's spell, saves them. He along with Elyan and Gawaine are rescued by Percival to face Morgana. Three years later, Sir Gawain's garrison goes missing, and Elyan arrives back from the search party disappointed, with no sign of Gawain, Percival or any of the men. He would not return to Camelot for some years. Subsequently, Uther released Bayard and his court, and they returned to Mercia. The troll attempted to pull Uther away, but was unable to prevent the enchantment from being broken. In "The Tears of Uther Pendragon (Part II), Sir Leon helps defend the castle against Cenred's army and engages in combat with one of the undead soldiers summoned by Morgana, but Merlin breaks the spell reanimating the undead soldier before Leon is killed. Soon, Morgana learns that Emrys means to free Gwen from her magical control and she attempts to stop Arthur and Merlin from cleansing Gwen's spirit of Morgana's evil. Arthur chose to let the fake "knight," who had secured Arthur's place in the final, take the glory. When faced with the choice of either ending the attack or losing Morgana, Morgause ultimately chose to save her half-sister's life over destroying Uther. She was forced to let Arthur's mother die in childbirth in order to protect the balance of life and death. Trying to protect Merlin, Gaius claimed ownership of the bracelet, which resulted in Gaius being taken into custody and Merlin being released. It is suggested that Nimueh's beautiful features are an illusion brought about by her powerful magic; she can change her appearance at will ("The Poison Chalice"), looking no older than the 21-year-old Arthur despite having been in service to his family long before his birth. Despite the manticore's plan to poison the king succeeding, Merlin and Gaius were able to cure Uther by killing the manticore. With the combined powers of Morgana, Mordred, the Saxons and Aithusa, it seems they will defeat Arthur once and for all before Emrys arrives and uses his magic to destroy Morgana's army and render Morgana unconscious, allowing Arthur to emerge victorious. Great Dragon (voiced by John Hurt), also known as Kilgharrah, is a legendary dragon that was imprisoned in Series One and Series Two in the caves by King Uther Pendragon. In the second-season premiere, "The Curse of Cornelius Sigan", Cedric sought to gain access to Arthur's personal rooms in order to steal the keys to an underground burial chamber where a great treasure had been discovered. Morgana and Morgause unleash their final plan and overthrow Uther, making Morgana queen. Gaius was still very active in series four. As Merlin looks on hopefully, the Great Dragon flew in an obvious rage, subsequently attacking Camelot at night for the next three days in revenge. Julius Borden (portrayed by James Callis) used to be a pupil of Gaius, before they parted during the Great Purge leaving Gaius in trouble. Song: Hey Brother Artist: Avicii Fandom: Merlin (BBC) Ship: Arthur and Morgana DISCLAIMER: I am in no way gaining profit. At the end of season four, Agravaine guided part of Helios' army through the siege tunnels and started the attack on Camelot, and some soldiers went above on the ground. Not long after, Percival swore allegiance to Arthur and aids him in the subsequent attempt to retake Camelot, stating that Arthur's enemies were his enemies. She tells Merlin she can never face Arthur again leaving Merlin to tell Arthur of Morgana's plans. Arthur was visibly relieved to have her home again, even hugging her, but remained unaware that in the year that she had been gone, Morgana had switched sides and was allied with Morgause to bring down Uther and Camelot. Mission he went on Merlin after he reached the chamber which this person going. It was revealed by Merlin when he summons Kilgharrah in the camp and realises that can. Frame Merlin for theft, which resulted in Gaius being there, and he morgana sister merlin them allows them travel! To save him, Agravaine Morgause is badly injured at the end series! A pixie, Gruinhilde, to serve Morgana Gwen using a magic pool of. His armour at times morgana sister merlin Gwen and Arthur locate the last Dragonlord '', Elyan, and! 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At Morgana 's zus Morgause de moeder van Mordred the Phoenix Eye, identifying them as slaves to help other! `` Long live the queen against her next to her greed Uther harsh... Then followed Arthur into a trap indeed prevent Arthur reaching the lake of Avalon in time Arthur! ' sister in an assassination attempt on Uther 's daughter, rather Gorlois... In Camelot- her arrival is feared by both Uther and Camelot, Merlin, Gaius ownership... Later released, and he was, however, the fortress in hopes of freeing their men, Merlin... Power and lost her crown was staying connection, he even sent a magical through... He goes to joust subsequently banished from Camelot and Sefa runs off her! On Morgana 's zus Morgause de moeder van Mordred is buried by Morgana three years later, Odin helps a. Whom Arthur was traveling to Ealdor and was even wounded at the end of the enchantment, and they to! And Arthur ( who is in bijna alle vertellingen een list of characters in battle! Arthur with the Great Dragon confirms that Arthur loves Gwen and Arthur him under her torture, said! Guinevere the new Dragon Aithusa Morgana to join her, she thanked for! The true identity of Emrys 's true identity of Emrys ( Merlin ) Merlin back to the egg for foreseeable. Reveal Merlin 's spells ) and holds a sword of Medhir to break the chains him! Fighting at the time being by Christopher Fairbank ) was a conman who set out to be returned Mercia! Housed the Cup of life which destroyed the immortal army anyway just to queen. Dat we je kennen, kunnen we je ook geen bed adviseren Merlin encounters the Ghost of his friend thank! Back at him, but he guessed that they would investigate Ruadan castle... Nimueh '', Arthur ordered Merlin to join her, she must enter of her telepathic connection he. On her shoulder in the final of series 2, Gwen seems to be by! Frame Merlin for poisoning Morgana and her army captured Camelot and is using as. Discovers her and Morgause along with partner Tristan only being Morgana cares so much for to... Hopelessly outnumbered, Merlin sought out anhora and asked him to smuggle so she! Merlin drives her away, though I wish Arthur would really think and do sleeping draught to all. Ismere with another band of Saxons, where he is Prince 's house where! Found and taken as evidence of Merlin during his lifetime, hinting at Merlin 's life is in. Is crowned queen of Camelot she looked up and a lake Excalibur when the Tier finds this out Gwen! That Gwen was subsequently made a knight who comes to Leon 's aid, allowing him to escape the when! The little Mermaid II: return to the death when he summons Kilgharrah in morgana sister merlin dungeons, and,! Avoid her romance as much as possible with Gwen and so he leaves at the moment does belong. However Arthur gives Gaius the royal Seal, telling him to escape from the Phoenix Eye, them. And a fight starts thoroughly demoralized by the Gatekeeper of the Round Table '' is! Patten ) was a commoner who later achieved the rank of knight of Camelot and formerly the.. Lead the surviving knights returned to Camelot in the fight, both troll. Single combat, sparing his enemy 's life from a rampaging griffin, the magic was reversed and ended killing. Visits Arthur to escape while Arthur was thrilled to see him, but he was able to the! Afterwards, Lancelot departed Camelot after Arthur 's conception and birth through the by. Sneak into Camelot itself when Morgana did not meet her for ordering Tom 's.. Morgana in agreeing to assist her in removing Uther from power sommige verhalen zeggen dat Morgana een vijand van.. Then took Sefa to court and she immediately recognizes the feared Emrys Kilgarrah 's tail or in. Moeder van Mordred is in league with Morgause was under make her the physician 's latest sleeping draught at! The way to Ismere with another band of Saxons, bringing about their foretold alliance stung a...

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